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Daring way Brene Brown

Show Up, Be Seen, Live Brave



The Daring Way™ 6-week Workshop 


If you are interested in creating a Daring Way Workshop, this is what to expect, we will explore topics that tackle the scary gremlins that tell us “it’s not time yet” or “wait till you’re smarter, more fun, prettier, in shape, educated, confident, etc.”

This weekly group will be a safe place for you to challenge the shame and perfection that holds you, hostage. We will teach you how to show up in a way that is more present, connected, and authentic to whom you want to be.

You will become more self-aware, increase your self-compassion, and develop strong, healthy connections. You will move this work into your bones and actively rewrite the narrative that you no longer need or want.

We will do this through teaching, sharing, empathy, self-care, practical tools, education, creativity, multimedia, and practice assignments. You will explore an arena of your choice and apply the concepts to live wholeheartedly. In this group, we will circle through Dr. Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly™ curricula


  • 6-week virtual workshop with workbook

  • Times; TBA

  • Includes one (1) 50-min Individual Check -n Sessions

  • Limited to the first 8 participants

Contact me if your group are interested in creating a workshop














Still undecided...Ask yourself this.

                                                               Do you want to live a wholehearted life?
Do you have a hard time feeling happiness or joy? Do you compare yourself to others, assuming that you are in some way flawed? Are you tired of striving for perfectionism? Is there an area of your life where you want to make changes, but are afraid to try? Do you often have thoughts that you are not enough? You may be having a hard time identifying your support system. Or, you may also feel like you are going at it alone.

We all experience and struggle with questioning our worthiness from time to time. It is normal to occasionally feel stuck, question our values, or feel disconnected from others. Sometimes, finding empathy and compassion for ourselves can be very difficult, which makes the process of moving forward that
much harder. Perfectionism and feeling like we are never enough can be difficult to shake. Whether you are experiencing challenges with being kind to yourself, moving forward with your goals, connecting with others, comparisons,
and/or self-doubt, the Daring Way will help give you the courage and skills to tackle life's challenges. 

During our time together, we will explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness. In the safety of the small group, we dig deep into thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that hold us back from living fuller lives.  We will identify new choices and practices that will help move us to greater authenticity and wholehearted living.

The Daring Way™, is based on the work of Dr. Brené Brown. It can help teach you skills to manage your difficulties and move you towards authenticity, courage, resilience, and wholehearted living.
more information and books. 



1015 Central Parkway N. Suite 145
San Antonio, TX 78232

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